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INVENTOR: Benjamin Tyler
DATE ISSUED: April 15, 1796
To all to whom these Letters Patent shall come:
WHERAS BENJAMIN TYLER, A CITIZEN OF New-Hampshire, in the United States, hath alleged, that he has invented a new and useful improvement, in the mode of cleaning. Wheat, Rye, Buckwheat, and all other kinds of grains which improvement has not been known or used, before his application; has made oath, that he does really believe, that he is the true inventor, or discoverer of the said improvement ; has paid into the Treasury of the United States, the sum of thirty dollars, delivered a receipt for the faire, and presented a petition to the Secretary of State, signifying a desire of obtaining an exclusive property in the said improvement, and praying, that a patent may be granted, for that purpose; THESE ARE, THEREFORE, to grant, according to law, to the said Benjamin Tyler, his heirs, administrators, or assigns, for the term of fourteen years, commencing from the fourteenth day of the month of April, in this year, the full and exclusive right and liberty of making, contracting, using, and vending, to others, to be used, the field improvement; a description whereof is given in the words of the said Benjamin Tyler, himself, in the schedule hereunto annexed, and is made a part of these presents.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have saused these Letters to be made Patent, and the seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed.
GIVEN under my hand, at the City of Philadelphia, this fifteenth day of April, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and ninety six, and the independence of the United States of America, the Twentieth.
By the President,
TIMOTHY PICKERING, Secretary of State
The Schedule referred to in these Letters Patent, and making part of the suite, containing a description in the words of said Benjamin Tyler, himself, of an improvement in the mode of cleaning Wheat, Rye, Buckwheat, and all other kinds of grain, a description of the machine invented by Benjamin Tyler, for cleaning wheat and all other kinds of grain, and separating from it smut, dirt, and all impurities, and mixtures of other feeds, and for rendering sweet and pure, Grain, that has grown, or which is sour or malty.
THE operation of cleaning is performed, by first loadinging the grain into a cylinder; Fig. 1, through which it drops down into bones, which are hung, like millstones; the eye or hole, through the top bone, is filled up by a piece of plank, or thick board, which is fixed into the eye; and a hole is bored through that plank, or thick board, of an inch and one half diameter, into which a tap or plug is put, and may be taken out occasionally, when more air is wanted between the bones; the lower floor is six inches in diameter larger than the upper bone; and a round iron grater, Fig. 2, sixteen inches in width, and as large in circumference, as the lower bone, is made of sheet iron, and has holes punched through it; the top of the grater is closely covered with boards, except a place in the middle, about two feet in diameter, on which is fixed a wooden cylinder, three feet and one half in height, lnto which the grain is first put, as abovementioned, and through which the beam arises, when the machine is at work; the (illegible) are placed as the defiance of an inch, or an inch and one half, from each other i generally, a bushel of grain is put in at once; the motion of the bone, and the rubbing the grain thereby, occasions a very considerable degree of heat, and in six, eight, or ten minutes the grain is dry; the moisture, together with the food and effective particles, having gone off in (illegible), through the cylinder, and the smut and grown parts are separated from the kernel; when it is sufficiently worked, the grain is let down, through a (illegible), into the blowing mill, which (illegible) is, at other times, covered by a piece of iron, flipped in at the top of it. A double crank goes through the shaft of the wheel, of the blowing mill, and the wheel of the blowing mill is turned by a hand, which goes round the spindle, upon which the bone turns. The grain will require such a degree of heat, that it will not be fit to grind, immediateiy.
NOTE: The above figures, 1 and 2, refer to the drawing in the office of the Department of State.
NOW KNOW YE, that we ROSWELL and MILLS OLCOTT of Norwich, in the county of Windsor, and State of Vermont, are the Lawful [tp[toryptd pg yjr snpbr rcv;idobr tohjy. Drvitrf nu Patent, as aforesaid, by virtue of a transfer of the same, from the said BENJAMIN TYLER to us, and we hereby for the consideration of dollars received to our full satisfaction of do hereby sell, and transfer to the said and to give and grant liberty to construct, sell, and practice, the said improvement of cleaning wheat, rye, and all kinds of grain, in therein (illegible) hereafter describe & to wit.
In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and (illegible) day of A/D/
(signed) Roswell, Olcott
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